Friday, 22 April 2016

Tech Talk... Reverse UML generator in eclipse - ObjectAid

A reverse UML generator can be used to generate UML diagram from source code. Here, I am going to talk about a reverse UML generator that comes as a eclipse add on and that can be used to generate UML diagram from java code. ObjectAid is one such addon available for eclipse.
Here we see step by step how to add ObjectAid to eclipse and then use it to generate a UML diagram:

Step1: Install ObjectAid in eclipse:
  • Open Eclipse and go to Help > Install New Software
  • Click on add to add a new repository
  • Enter name ObjectAid UML Explorer
  • Enter Location

Step2: Select the objectaid class diagram plugin as it is free, and click 'next' . Sequence diagram one needs a license, so, you can skip it for now.

Step3: Click 'finish'. The installation should start now. Click 'ok' on the security warning that appears.

Step4: Once the installation finishes, eclipse would ask for a restart. Click ok and let eclipse restart.

Now, we are done with the ObjectAid installation and we are ready to create a class diagram.
Step5 : Create a folder anywhere to store the class diagrams.

Step6: To create a new ObjectAid UML diagram, launch the ObjectAid wizard by going to File->new->other.

Type Class Diagram  in the top textbox to filter this wizard out. Once you see the right wizard, select it and click 'next'.

Step7: A visual UML editor would appear in your eclipse. You can start dragging and dropping your classes or java files on to this editor. It will automatically start putting in the class diagrams, the relations between classes, methods etc.

Step8 : Once you are done, you can choose to save it as an image. for this, all you have to do is right click on the diagram and choose save as image followed by the specific image type you want to save it as (.jpeg or .gif etc.)


  1. Replies
    1. Can you let me know the issue you face? I might be able to help
